Oct 30, 2008 11:06 am
Netflix continues to find as many ways as possible to get movies into your home. The latest is a new partnership with TiVo, announced today.
This adds TiVo boxes to the list of devices that will allow you to view Netflix movies; the other devices include your PC, the Roku Netflix box, and--soon--the Xbox 360. TiVo announced that Netflix service will be available to all TiVo customers with a TiVo Series 3, TiVo HD, or TiVo HD XL this December with no extra cost other than Netflix's own fees.
The match between TiVo and Netflix is a natural fit. Back in 2004, Netflix and TiVo tried to develop a digital film distribution system together, but due to licensing issues and technical limitations the plan never came around. Now, four years later both companies have come together again.
And personally, I couldn't be happier with the partnership. As someone who rents a lot of movies, and a complete TiVo addict, I can definitely see myself getting a lot of use out of this. My only gripe with the service is that it only supports streaming movies through the TiVo. The thing that makes TiVo so great is that it stores your shows so you can watch them anytime, and it would be great if the Netflix partnership allowed you to store movies--even for a short period of time. TiVo already has an option that automatically deletes shows after a set period of time, so it would have been a great addition if Netflix movies could use that feature to allow the movies to be more of a digital rental than just a streaming movie. But even as just a streaming service, the partnership will be getting a lot of use in my house.
Story link.
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