Fortune Magazine story link.
“Faculty are notorious for wanting to do things their way,” said Frank. “But they always had to cut the foot to fit the shoe. Now, with open source, they can cut the shoe to fit the foot.”
There is virtually no friction involved. A professor can register on Flat World’s site and circulate to students that the book is available there. No cooperation from a school district or college administration is required.
“Every single class is a fiefdom, and they (the faculty) are kings and queens of their domain,” Frank jokes.
Smart...— The average Russian drinks 50 bottles of vodka a year.
— A bottle of beer can be purchased on the street for less than the cost of a bottle of water.
— Twelve million of Russia’s 41 million residents have died over the past 15 years due to alcohol-and smoking-related causes.
— A pack of cigarettes can be purchased for about 30 cents.
— The average Russian male lives to be 60 years old, dying 15 years earlier than his American counterpart. Russian women die 13 years earlier than American women.
Story link.